Thursday 19 September 2013

Research into Mis-en-scene - Miss Georgiou

Clip used

Iconography & Setting
In this clip there is a strong feeling of doom and gloom in both of the settings used, this is created by the use of dark settings. This makes the audience believe that nothing good will happen come out of both of the scenes, raising the expectations that something bad will happen. This is stereotypical of a thriller as one of the main conventions is the create suspense, so by giving the viewer the expectation that something bad will happen it builds them up to an event, in this instance the trap going off, however it takes a different term and she manages to escape the fate expected.

Costume & Makeup
The costumes worn in the clip gives the viewer a sense of there personality before they have even said a word, the suits worn by the males in the clip instantly show they have some authority, this would make the viewer think that something bad has happened for someone of authority to be getting involved. As well as the female in the scene wearing black during the trap and after, because she is wearing it during the trap it could make the viewer think she has had a dark past, this gives the viewer a sense of why she is there. Also wearing it after could show she is in grievance from escape the trap, as black is the colour usually worn at funerals where people grieve, this implies the trap has scarred her emotionally and physically, shown by the cuts and scars on her face.

Body Language & Facial Expressions
At the beginning of the trap scene we can see that she is panicking, this is shown by the shock on her face when she has the trap explained to her as her eyes are wide and eyebrows are high, the generic facial expression for shock. She then goes on to show she is panicking after she has had the trap explained to her, this is shown in her body language when she is frantically trying to pull the trap off her head even though we all know it would never of come off. This is stereotypical of thrillers as the victims always panic before they are attacked or murdered, however during this clip they escape.

Lighting & Colour
At the beginning of the clip there is a dark tone, this immediately set by the use of low key lighting, by doing this it sets the mood for the scene and scenes to follow. This is stereo-typically used in thrillers as it creates deep contrast between the light and dark, it also creates deep shadows, which gives a sense of mystery. There is also a strong use of the colour green in the trap scene, the colour green is often associated with revenge, the viewer could infer from this that she is there for a reason why she is there and the person who made the trap wants revenge.

Position within the frame
Within the clip you can see that the female is always almost central, this could imply that she is the main character within the scene and it means the viewer pays more attention to her. This could also show that she is the victim in the scene, as proven in the next.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how mise-en-scene is used within your chosen film clip. You have identified the five areas well, but further points are needed on the meanings that it conveys towards an audience. This can be achieved by considering the purpose of the conventions of a thriller film in more detail.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Relate your points back to the codes and conventions of a thriller film in more detail
    2) Expand on the points that you are making, by considering the meanings conveyed in the scene
    3) Add your video link from youtube
    4) Include an introduction to define the media language
    5) Add a summary to explain how your analysis will assist you with planning your own thriller
