Sunday 1 December 2013

Filming Schedule & Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

It is important to carry out a risk assessment in order to identify the risks involved in the filming process, and therefore helping us prevent them from happening, and helping us to counter them. The table below shots the possible risks involved in filming.

Making a filming schedule is important as it helps organise the filming of the sequence, and therefore makes the filming more time efficient, letting us meet our deadlines. Even though we made a filming schedule we was unable to follow it as when filming the third shot it got too dark for the cameras, therefore we was unable to film the rest of the scene and had to delay filming until the following day. Even though there was a delay we was able to film the whole sequence.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not considered the purpose of a risk assessment and a filming schedule in enough detail. Therefore, you need to elaborate on the points that you have included. Aim to consider the hazards in further detail and expand on the points that you have included.
