Tuesday 8 October 2013

Research into Conventions of the Thriller Genre - Miss Miller

There are many conventions used inside the thriller genre, in this essay I will explore the use of different conventions of a film from the thriller genre, I shall be using a clip from the film "Scream". I chose this clip as it clearly portrays conventions of a thriller, and uses them well in the clip.

One convention used in the clip is a chase scene, this happens once the male is murdered, the killer then proceeds to chase the female around the house. This is used often in films which belong to the thriller genre as it brings the element of excitement into the scene, this is because the viewer never knows whether she is going to get away, she is then chased to a dead end which builds the tension within the scene as the viewer would then believe that she is going to be killed, this is then followed by her falling from roof. This is when the viewers really think that she is going to die, she then falls onto a boat with a cover on top which stops her fall. This is a good use of the chase scene convention.

Another convention used in the clip is masked killer, this is often used in thrillers as it hides the identity of the killer, making you want to watch more in order to find out who the killer is and as the film progresses what his motive is, bringing a sense of enigma to the film. It also lets the viewer engage with the film because the fact that it could be anyone behind the mask, even someone they knew, making them more involved in the film.

The third convention used in the clip is the use of an isolated/dark location, we can see this at the end of the clip where the female is hanging out of the window and then falls. By using the isolated location this creates the sense that the character is helpless because there are no other houses and etc nearby. It also creates the sense that she cannot escape because there is nothing nearby, this would give the viewer the impression that she is going to die, therefore creates tension as the viewer wants the female to escape.

The fourth convention used in the film non-diegetic sound, this is again used throughout the scene. Non-diegetic sound is sound which is not part of the film, in this instance is it the sound track played throughout the scene. During the chase scene the music builds up as the chase progresses, because the music is building it makes the reader feel that something is going to happen, it keeps on building until the female escapes onto the roof. This when the music dies down but is still playing, this leaves the viewer in suspense as they definitely know something is going to happen. The music then bursts out as the killer grabs her hands through the windows, this would shock the viewer even though they knew it was going to happen. This brings the element of shock into the clip, however without the music they would not be able to use the shock to its full effect.

From the conventions used, I believe that the use of a soundtrack is used well in this clip as it without the sound track the element of suspense, action and tension would have been alot harder to create without it. I believe by that using the sound track that it has a much greater effect on the viewer, because of this I would take this onboard when making my own thriller opening. However during the clip

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a good understanding of the conventions analysed and explained their purpose. You have used the PEER format throughout but need to make sure you explain how the audience can build a relationship with the characters.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain how the relationship is built
    2) Elaborate on your points further by explaining why these conventions are used
    3) Include a definition of conventions in your introduction
    4) Make sure your clip matches your screen shots
    5) Make sure your post is finished
