Thursday 24 October 2013

Target Audience Results - Miss Miller

By carrying out a questionnaire, I was able to find out what audience to target out film at, and then discover what the target audience enjoys about thriller films and what they would like to see in one. This helps us create the opening sequence with the target audience in mind, meaning that the opening would be more engaging and effective, as it reaches out to the target audience. I gave the questionnaire to 40 people, meaning I will get the opinion of a lot of people, this helps me get a better idea of the target audience, analysing the results from all of the questions, finding out what I can get from it.

From the graph above we can see that the majority of people we interviewed are 16 to 19, meaning that the people who are more likely to enjoy thriller films are in this age group, because of this I believe that we should choose this age group as the target audience in our thriller opening, this allows us to plan and create it with them in mind, effecting our target audience.

For our second question we found out what gender each person we asked was, from this we can find out who enjoys thriller films the most, this helps us develop the audience of our thriller opening, making it aimed at them. The graph shows us that 60% of the people we asked were male, therefore we can aim our thriller opening at males.

The next question we asked was what age certificates people enjoyed watching the most, from this we can find out what people enjoyed watching the most and we can create our thriller opening accordingly. From this question we discovered that the majority of people enjoyed watching films with the 18 certificates, because of this we can make our thriller film an 18 as they enjoy watching these over the other age certificates.

From this question we can begin to build up which elements people would like to see in our thriller films, in this case we can see that more people liked chase scenes rather than anything else, this helps us develop the understand what people like to see in a thrillers, and can help us when creating our own thriller film.

This graph shows us that 48% percent of the people who answered our questionnaires like to hear sound tracks in thriller films, from this we can tell that sound tracks have the best effect on our target audience, so therefore we can use them to have the greatest effect in our sequel.

For this question the use of 'Mental characters' came out with the highest percentage, however not by the majority as shown by the pie chart above. When asked why people enjoy mental characters the most, the majority of people said because they become more interested in the character.

From the graph above we can see that the majority of people who answered our questionnaire would prefer to watch famous actors, however this isn't possible so we would have the focus on the second highest result which was young actors, this is better as then they can relate to the film, helping us have a greater effect on the target audience with our thriller opening.

For this question we can see that people would prefer a dark forest to be used in a thriller rather than any other setting, this is better for us as forests are easily accessible, helping us have a greater effect on the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a brief analyses of your results and explained what they show; however, you need to analyse them using PEER to make sure you understand how they will affect your opening scene.

    to improve your post you need to:
    1) Use PEER to explain what the results suggest and how you might incorporate them into your opening sequence
    2) Include an introduction stating the purpose of your questionnaire
    3) Include an overall summary of your results; what you have taken from them etc,
    4) Include a paragraph on open questions explaining their purpose, providing an example of one asked and its results, and then analyse results
    5) Include vox pops/copy of questionnaire
