Sunday 3 November 2013

During the film The Human Centipede there are various editing effects which are used to create emotional meaning to the audience. Various editing techniques help to inform the audience of the conventions of a thriller by keeping them in suspense, shocking them and surprising them.

One editing effect used in the film is a straight cut, a straight cut is a change of shot from one viewpoint or location to another. This is used during the clip when the victim is being chased and has been lead to a dead end, by using this it gives the viewer both perspectives, the doctor's and the victim's. This builds up the tension in the scene, as it is building up to whether the victim gets away or is caught, this would also create suspense, a typical convention of thriller.

Another editing effect used in the scene is the timing of shots, this is when the shots are edited slower or faster to add emotional impact or to create suspense. This is used when she is being chased, the timing of the shot increases when she is being chased, this makes the scene become very fast paced, this creates the sense that she is escaping gives the effect of fast movement. Then when she approaches the dead end the timing of shots is decreased as he approaches the room she is inside, this creates suspense as you have no idea what is going to happen to her however you do know something will happen to her. The victim nearly escaping is a stereotypical convention of a thriller film, as well as the building of suspense.

The use of reaction shots are also used in the clip, reaction shots are when the something happens or when something is said, the clip then switches to another character to emphasise their reaction. This is used when the doctor is shouting at the female form outside the door, the clip switches to her face which shows her terrified expression. By putting emphasis onto this it shows the viewer that she is, vulnerable, the victim and that she is scared for her life, the viewers can engage with her more as the clip enables you to see her emotions. From this it begins to let the viewer feel the fear of the character, this is a typical convention of a thriller.

From this I can tell that showing the two perspectives in a chase scene are an important factor in build up the suspense, showing the victim's reaction and emotions, which helps us emphasise with the victim as we can see the fear and being to feel there fear. Also we can learn that the timing of shots can have a big effect in thriller films, allowing the camera to put emphasis on certain elements and can change the way the motion is seen, for example making someone who is running look like they are running a lot faster, which builds up the excitement for the viewer.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of the scene above, demonstrates some understanding of how editing styles are used in thriller films. You have identified a variety of styles, which demonstrates your understanding of terminology well. But reconsider the point that you have made on the straight cut.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Consider the relationship between the audience and characters in further detail and focus on the emotions that are created
    2) Relate your points back to the codes and conventions of a thriller film in further detail
