Tuesday 19 November 2013

Group Storyboard - Miss Miller

The purpose of the group story board was to plan our final ideas for the thriller sequence, combining the ideas of the thriller sequence together, picking out the best bits of each others storyboards. By putting our idea onto a storyboard we are able to have in mind what we would like on screen in each shot, knowing the camera angle, lighting, iconography, actors, editing and the narrative.

When our group made our individual storyboards we all had the same narrative and ideas in mind, so when it came to making our group storyboard we each incorporated our own different ideas for the same narrative, this made it a lot easier for us. For example we took Scott's idea for the opening scene and Devon's idea for the last scene, we then used my ideas for the certain camera angles we should use in each scene.

Our groups have had a lot of inspirations from the most current thriller films, which often use the setting of an isolated location, in our thriller film we are going to be using a forest, as this is used in many successful thriller films like The Strangers and Cabin Fever. We also took inspirations from films such as Halloween, Scream, and Texas Chainsaw massacre, for the use of a masked killer, these are some of the most well known thrillers, and have used the concept of having a masked killer well.

The idea we took from Devon's storyboard was the use of a phone in the last scene, where the phone is ringing and the victim is frantically trying to turn it off thinking that she is going to get caught, then the next scene the phone is seen ringing on the floor, and then it stops ringing. This is a good idea as it doesn't actually show the audience that she has been taken, but implies it and lets the audience's mind wonder as they think what could of happened to the victim.

Scott's idea for the storyboard was to use a hammer instead of a knife, this is because that the knife is a popular item of choice for the killers, however Scott said by using the hammer instead of a knife reveals morea bouit the character, for example a hammer is much more brutal than a knife, and by using a hammer then the audience can infer that the killer is a brutal character.

My idea for the storyboard from my storyboard was the alleyway scene, where the victim is seen walking down an alleyway where she does not realise the killer is at the end, it then jumps to a camera angle which is a close up of the hammer. This is the beginning where the audience first see the killer and when the soundtrack starts, an important scene in the opening sequence.

Overall, making the storyboard has been useful as now our group has our final idea planned out, knowing exactly what we are going to have in each scene, and the duration, this means we can spend our time efficiently when we go out to film.


  1. You have explained the purpose of a group storyboard and provided detailed examples of what ideas you have taken from each group member; however, you need to mention why that idea was taken over another one (e.g. hammer over knife) and why (compare and contrast).

    to improve your post you need to:
    1) Give examples of ideas that weren't taken on board when talking about ones that were and explain why
    2) Elaborate on ideas taken and how they are conventional etc
    3) Expand upon your summary explaining how you think creating a group storyboard has/will improve your sequence

  2. Include pictures of your storyboard
