Thursday 21 November 2013

Planning Cinematography - Miss Miller

One of the camera angles we're going to use is a close up, a close up is a camera angle that shows little background and concentrates on a face or a particular object of mise-en-scene. In our thriller opening we are going to use them to concentrate on the victim's face and the killer's hammer, emphasising both in the sequence. By using a close up for the killer's hammer, it emphasises the significance of the hammer in the scene, a hammer is a quite a brutal way to hurt someone, so this therefore reveals parts of the killer's personality, that he is a brutal character.

Another camera angle we are going to use is an establishing, this is going to be used at the beginning of the scene in order to establish the setting of the initial street setting of the opening, our victim will then walk into the scene. An establishing shot is when the scene is displayed, we are using it in order to for the audience to get a feel of the setting that the victim is in, and can begin to relate to the victim.

The third camera angle we are going to us is going to be a high angle, this is used when the victim is walking down the alleyway at the beginning of the sequence, this almost initialises that the female is going to be the victim. A high angle shot is often used to show that something is inferior, as it makes the viewer look down at them, we are going to use this to show that our victim is inferior to our killer, and that he has the power over her. This is conventional of the thriller genre as this is often used as it makes the victim look weak and vulnerable, therefore making her inferior to the killer. This is used to build up the emphasis the audience has for the victim as they begin to feel that the victim is unable to defend herself from what is after her.

Another camera angle we are going to use is the low angle, this is the opposite of the high angle, and therefore has opposite effects. A low angle is where the camera is looking up upon something, for example the killer, this is how we are going to use it in our thriller sequence, as it makes the killer look superior to the victim in the scene. This is conventional of the thriller genre as it begins to build up a fear for the killer, knowing that they are more powerful than the victim, this makes the audience begin to think that he is capable of doing something bad and will do something bad to the victim, as they already emphasise for the victim, they will begin to fear him.

In addition we are going to use hand held shots, this gives the effect that the audience is watching from the actor's perspective and can have many effects. In our thriller we are going to use it when the victim is running away from the killer, this is because it gives the shaky effect and really involves the audience within the film, almost putting them in the victim's footsteps, by involving the audience within the film is begins to build up there relationship with the victim, and can feel there fear. the use of hand held shots is conventional of the thriller genre as they create a jerky and uneven atmosphere, giving the effect that there is chaos and they have no control over the film, implying that something bad is about to happen, this builds upon the key element of suspense.

Overall, I believe that our camera angles will have a strong effect on the audience as they allow the audience to really build up a relationship with the victim and even the killer, by doing this they can begin to relate to the film and feel the victim's fear, a key convention when making a thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of the camera angles you intend on using within your sequence, explaining what they will create for the audience; however, you need to elaborate on your reasons further by explaining WHY they create these certain reaciotns etc.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain WHY the camera anlges used create a certain reaction within the audience
    2) Explain WHY they are conventional
    3) Elaborate upon your summary by explaining how you think your sequence will be better/more conventional through the use of cinematography analysed
    4) Include an introduction explaining why cinematography is important within films and why we need to plan it before filming
