Tuesday 11 February 2014

Audience feedback - Miss Georgiou

Explain why the audience feedback is important to production?
Audience feedback is important to the production as the film is made with them in mind, therefore their opinions on the film are an important factor, if the audience finds a certain element ineffective then that element has been unsuccessful. Using the audience's feedback can help making improvements, and therefore a more improved final version, which has a greater effect on the audience.

How did you receive feedback from your target audience?
I received target audience feedback by doing a presentation, this presentation first showed the audience where we got the idea for our setting, character, narrative, and the inspirations behind them. We then proceeded to show them the rough cut of our thriller opening, giving them sheets in which they had to place what mark they thought we deserved and then what went well and what should be improved. Another way we collected information from the target audience was through questionnaires, this was before we had filmed our thriller opening and greatly benefited us when we was planning, this gave us the existing opinions on the thriller genre, therefore we knew what was effective and what we could include in our very own.

How would your feedback benefit your product and the industry?
This feedback would benefit our product as this gives us guidance of what to improve, letting us know what aspects of the film we need to change in order to have a greater effect on the audience, this would greatly improve the final product. This would improve the industry as by having a more professional looking final product it would make the industry more competitive as they would be challenged by our film, making them want to make even better films, improving the industry all together.

Constructive comments made by other groups

Narrative - One of the comments made by the other group was to make the narrative of our thriller clearer, this is because the target audience found that our narrative was not clear enough for them top understand.

More sound effects - The audience found there was not a wider range of sound effects and found that the ones that are there did not have a great impact on them, feeling that the sound effects should be used for more effect.

Improved lighting - The other comment we recieved was that the lighting in the final scene was too dark, meaning that they couldn't see clearly what was happening in the final scene.

How we overcame these comments

Narrative - We overcame the narrative problem by adding extra clips to the sequence, this gave the audience more to watch and to help them understand the narrative.

More sound effects - We overcame this problem by finding more suitable sound effects, especially ones to use during the chase scene as this intensifies the clip which means it would have a greater effect on the audience.

Improved lighting - We overcame this problem by going out and filming the sequence again at an earlier time, this meant there was more sunlight which made the scene alot clearer, during this time we was able to make improvements the actual narrative of the sequence.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in explaining why audience feedback is essential to consider within a production. You have also included some of the comments that you received and a slight reflection, but this needs to be explored in more detail. As to what you will change and why?
