Thursday 13 February 2014

Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

A target audience are the people that the product is aimed at, in this instance it is what the audience that the film is made to appeal to the most. My film had the target audience of teenagers, therefore when making the film we made it with teenagers in mind, considering what would appeal to them the most. I chose teenagers as we carried out a survey in which I found they watch thriller films the most, also because we are teenagers, it would be easier to make the thriller more relate able. The narrative of my thriller film was relate able for the audience because of the simplicity of it, a teenage girl walking home on the streets who is then followed by a mysterious figure, this is relate able because of the possibly of it, this could happen to any teenager, anywhere. By having a female teenage victim this means that teenagers can easily relate to her situation, by making it easy to relate it makes the audience more involved in the film, and as the film progresses the audience will start to feel the fear of the character, making it more effective. Another element that made my film successful and would appeal to my audience would be the costume and makeup, this was a big factor in making my film more relate able for teenagers as the costumes that our characters wore were clothes that anyone could wear, this meant that the audience could again become more involved in the film, as they can relate to the clothes that the victim wears allowing them to put themselves in her position. This was also the case with the killer, the clothes of the killer are ones that anyone could wear again, involving the audience in the film again because they think that the killer could be anyone, drawing them into watching on as they wish to find out who the killer is as the assumptions of who the killer is increase.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 4 shows a basic understanding of who your target audience is for your thriller and why they are important to consider as you have discussed why certain elements might appeal to your target audience.
    You need to discuss all other micro-elements such as sound, iconography etc.
